Do you struggle to sleep overnight?

Is it itchy? 
Is Your body burning? 
Breathing difficulty? 
Having a Chest Pain? 

Do you struggle to sleep overnight?

Is it itchy? 
Is Your body burning? 
Breathing difficulty? 
Having a Chest Pain? 

Try Now our Revolutionary 
Health Program!

Health Program

  •  The right combination of omega3 and polyphenols reduce the production of IgE in the body
  • IgE is the antibodies that cause allergic reactions and asthma symptoms.

save up to 48% + 100% money payback garantee

100% money pay back garantee on the oil+test kit, if your 1st 
omega-6 and omega-3 ratio is 3:1 or below. 


"My eczema has completely disappeared..."

My eczema has completely disappeared with the use of the entire Health program, which previously appeared almost regularly on my right hand and neck.

"My problems went away in 3 months and I have been symptom-free ever since."

I have been struggling with acne symptoms that constantly appeared on my face for ten years. It was very upsetting! The doctors tried everything, but could not help permanently. Thank God I found ZINZINO products! My problems went away in 3 months and I have been symptom-free ever since. I recommend it to everyone!

"Using BalanceOil and zinobiotic, my reflux disappeared in 3 weeks."

I was struggling with reflux disease, my doctor prescribed me 2 medicines. Doctor said that I have to live with this for the rest of my life. Using BalanceOil and zinobiotic, my reflux disappeared in 3 weeks.

My eczema has completely disappeared with the use of the entire protocol, which previously appeared almost regularly on my right hand and neck.


I have been struggling with acne symptoms that constantly appeared on my face for tens of years. It was very confusing! The doctors tried everything, but could not help permanently. Thank God I found ZINZINO products! My problems went away in 3 months and I have been symptom-free ever since. I recommend to everyone!


I was struggling with reflux disease, my doctor prescribed me 2 medicines. Doctor said that I have to live with this for the rest of my life. Using Balance oil and zinobiotic, my reflux disappeared in 3 weeks


What to do about inflammatory
body condition?

Health Check

Healing the gut 

Healthy brain

Plenty of filtered water

Supply of micronutrients

Natural skin care

This simple, easy test measures your level of omega3, and the critical ratio between 
your omega6 and omega3 fatty acid intake. 
Let us show you, in just 120 days how you 
can safely adjust your omega6:3 ratio to near 3:1. 

This simple, easy test measures your level of omega3, and the critical ratio between your omega6 and omega3 fatty acid intake.  Let us show you, in just 120 days how you can safely adjust your omega6:3 ratio to near 3:1. 

Ratio 3:1 where 
you want to be

For optimum health, the World Health Organisation recommends you have a 3:1 ratio between essential fatty acids omeg6 and omega 3. 

Ratio 13:1 people who take an omega3 supplement

Shockingly, even people who take an omega 3 supplement avg ratio of 13:1

Ratio 21:1 where YouTube probably 

People who do not take an omega3 supplement are significantly out of balance with an average ratio of 21:1. 

More Testimonials

"From the age of 8 months, the mother started giving the baby the BalanceOil in 2 x 10-drop doses."

9.5-month-old baby

"After the end of breastfeeding, at the age of 6 months, eczema were detected on the baby's skin, which were associated with skin itching.

Currently, the baby is 9.5 months old, many changes are taking place in a positive direction.

Thank you BalanceOil."

"To all eczema sufferers need to read this!
START TAKING THE BalanceOil and say goodbye to eczema."


"Ever since I was 12 years old, eczema has periodically appeared on both wrists. "Fortunately" only every 1-2 years. It came out again at the beginning of December last year, but I was tired of the many creams, and they didn't even use anything... After taking the oil, the spots started to disappear drastically in just a few weeks, and the itchy feeling subsided!"

"From the age of 8 months, the mother started giving the baby the BalanceOil in 2 x 10-drop doses."

9.5-month-old baby

"After the end of breastfeeding, at the age of 6 months, eczema were detected on the baby's skin, which were associated with skin itching.

Currently, the baby is 9.5 months old, many changes are taking place in a positive direction.

Thank you BalanceOil."

"To all eczema sufferers need to read this!
START TAKING THE BalanceOil and say goodbye to eczema."


"Ever since I was 12 years old, eczema has periodically appeared on both wrists. "Fortunately" only every 1-2 years. It came out again at the beginning of December last year, but I was tired of the many creams, and they didn't even use anything... After taking the oil, the spots started to disappear drastically in just a few weeks, and the itchy feeling subsided!"

"My now 8-year-old son has had atopic dermatitis and eczema since he was about 2 years old."


"We visited the famous private dermatologists in the country with him, we got a lot of antihistamines, steroid medicine, cream, which destroyed his immune system and digestion, his stomach hurt, and his skin was alive, he scratched it at night, the sheets were clean blood. We met last year when we were at our worst. in July with the Zinzino protocol...

After about 1-2 months, the skin symptoms disappeared, he was able to put on his shorts, and since then, I have a lively, healthy, happy little boy with beautiful skin!”

"All of my allergic symptoms gone..."


"Within 1 year the allergic reaction is gone and since then it has 100% completely recovered. 

Thanks to Zinzino Health Protocol.”


  • ​Balance oil + Blood test
  • Save 59%
  • ​Subscription 6 MONTHS


  • 2 Balance oil + 300ml
  • ​2 Balance oil + 100ml
  • ​2 Balance Test


1 Balance Oil + 300ml

Premier Offer




Monthly Fee: S$82



  • ​Balance oil+ Blood Test
  • ​Fiber for gut health
  • Save 53%
  • ​Subscription 6 MONTHS


  • 2 Balance oil + 300ml
  • ​2 Balance oil + 100ml
  • ​2 Balance Test
  • ​2 Zinobiotic+ Portion Pack


1 Balance Oil + 300ml

2 Zinobiotic+ Portion Pack

Premier Offer




Monthly Fee: S$157



  • ​Balance oil+ Blood Test
  • ​Fiber for gut health
  • Save 48%
  • Full Spectrum of minerals contribute to support a normal immune system
  • ​Subscription 6 MONTHS


  • 2 Balance oil + 300ml
  • ​2 Balance oil + 100ml
  • ​2 Balance Test
  • ​2 Zinobiotic+ Portion Pack
  • ​1 Velixir


1 Balance Oil + 300ml

2 Zinobiotic+ Portion Pack

1 Velixir

Premier Offer




Monthly Fee: S$352


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